Would you happen to remember your MySpace top 8?

 In Business

Words by @Mellbfit

Would you happen to remember your top 8 on MySpace? Better yet, do you even remember your password for MySpace? I’m pretty sure you and I share the same answer: NOPE! Since the emergence of social media, there have been tons of platforms created for networking; many of which have dwindled in popularity with each conception of a newer, hotter version. It normally has nothing to do with the quality of the site, but largely due to the fact that most people in our generation have the attention span of a 2 year old. We see something that looks interesting, play with it for a while, grow bored with it, and move on to something that has more bells and whistles; shoving what once consumed so much of our time into the back of the closet to collect dust, never to be seen again.


It’s perfectly fine to abandon a social networking site for a trendier version if you use them for entertainment purposes only; but entrepreneurs that rely solely on these sites for brand marketing are dangerously and irresponsibly jeopardizing the future of their company and its growth for this reason. Why is it irresponsible to put all of your “eggs” aka marketing strategies into one basket? Let me explain.


When you have no ownership of a company, you have no input on what they may choose to ban or what current policies may change. Who’s to say that Instagram won’t decide to prohibit free marketing of products, goods and services tomorrow? Facebook has already began limiting the access and amount of marketing that was once without boundaries or restrictions. If your marketing is severely limited, or even worse.. BANNED, how will your target audience and potential clients be able to see what you are selling? How will you be able to successfully generate revenue? Those are questions you need to ask yourself as a business owner.


As R&B singer Jazmine Sullivan soulfully croons, “Forever doesn’t last too long these days.” At the height of Myspace’s popularity, no one would have ever foreseen such a drastic decline of its members. I’m sure people think the same of Instagram; especially since so many of us spend a considerable amount of our day logged in for both business and pleasure. Many small business owners use this free platform to their financial advantage, saving money on marketing and expanding their audience of current and potential clients with a simple repost. And while there is absolutely nothing wrong with using this marketing tool as a sales pitch, this can be fatal if you rely solely on Instagram. What if one day Instagram suffers the same fate as MySpace? How would your business thrive and survive? How would people be able to reach you? Stay informed of your brand?

What I have learned through my own personal experience is this: While social media has been a blessing to my fitness and healthy lifestyle blog; introducing me to many people that I wouldn’t have otherwise heard of, and has also helped me generate supplemental income without any out of pocket expenses; it is not ideal to have this be my only outlet. I smartly decided to diversify my marketing and outreach to potential readers by investing in a website and logo. Cherry Fresh Designs created an attractive and professional platform for me that has not only doubled my readership, it has also granted me the opportunity to stay in touch with my faithful readers long after Instagram loses its luster. People that are now subscribed to my blog are able to receive updates and promotional pitches via e-mail, ensuring that they will see 100% of my marketing 100% of the time.


Fluffy Aint For me 2015-04-30 11-23-18Fluffy Aint For me – “FIT TO INSPIRE” 2015-04-30 11-21-05



In these delicate financial times, we all try to find ways to cut costs in any way we can. And while you may think you are saving a ton of money by letting social media’s free platforms represent your brand, you could possibly be making one of the most expensive mistakes ever: your company’s future. My advice to you: get a website. Stop relying on being “Insta-famous”. Invest in your brand. Invest in yourself. Invest in your future. You’re worth it!

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